Journal articles
- titre
- Arboriculture without synthetic chemical inputs in the Pilat, lock-ins and transition pathways
- auteur
- Anna Hirson-Sagalyn, Lucy Zwigard, Hélène Brives, Maude Quinio, Caroline Champailler, Marion Casagrande, Florian Celette
- article
- Innovations Agronomiques, 2024, 93, pp.93-107. ⟨10.17180/ciag-2024-vol93-art08⟩
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- titre
- The socio-economic performance of agroecology. A review
- auteur
- Ioanna Mouratiadou, Alexander Wezel, Kintan Kamilia, Angelica Marchetti, Maria Luisa Paracchini, Paolo Bàrberi
- article
- Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2024, 44 (2), pp.19. ⟨10.1007/s13593-024-00945-9⟩
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- titre
- Comparing the carbon footprints of urban and conventional agriculture
- auteur
- Jason Hawes, Benjamin Goldstein, Joshua Newell, Erica Dorr, Silvio Caputo, Runrid Fox-Kämper, Baptiste Grard, Rositsa Ilieva, Agnès Fargue-Lelièvre, Lidia Poniży, Victoria Schoen, Kathrin Specht, Nevin Cohen
- article
- Nature Cities, 2024, 1, pp.164-173. ⟨10.1038/s44284-023-00023-3⟩
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- titre
- Maintaining grain yield of Th. intermedium across stand age through constant spike fertility and spike density: understanding its response to various agronomic managements
- auteur
- Laura Fagnant, Olivier Duchene, Florian Celette, Benjamin Dumont
- article
- European Journal of Agronomy, 2024, 152, pp.127038. ⟨10.1016/j.eja.2023.127038⟩
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Journal articles
- titre
- Plant–soil synchrony in nutrient cycles: Learning from ecosystems to design sustainable agrosystems
- auteur
- Sébastien Fontaine, Luc Abbadie, Michaël Aubert, Sébastien Barot, Juliette M G Bloor, Delphine Derrien, Olivier Duchene, Nicolas Gross, Ludovic Henneron, Xavier Le Roux, Nicolas Loeuille, Jennifer Michel, Sylvie Recous, Daniel Wipf, Gaël Alvarez
- article
- Global Change Biology, 2023, 30 (1), pp.art. e17034. ⟨10.1111/gcb.17034⟩
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- titre
- OUTILLAGE - Tools to support farmers in on-farm innovation
- auteur
- Stéphane Cadoux, Joséphine Peigné, Raymond Reau, Matthieu Abella, Jean-Luc Forrier, Marie-José Blazian, Léo Bilheran, Bertrand Omon, Gilles Sauzet
- article
- Innovations Agronomiques, 2023, 88, pp.192-209. ⟨10.17180/ciag-2023-vol88-art16⟩
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- titre
- Insights into agroecological farming practice implementation by conservation-minded farmers in North America
- auteur
- Erin M Silva, Alexander Wezel, Caley Stafford, Jeanne Brives, Nathan Bosseler, Nicole Cecchinato, Camille Cossement, Marzia Ranaldo, Megan Broome
- article
- Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 2023, 7, ⟨10.3389/fsufs.2023.1090690⟩
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- titre
- Conservation tillage influences soil structure, earthworm communities and wheat root traits in a long-term organic cropping experiment
- auteur
- Olivier Duchene, Yvan Capowiez, Jean-François Vian, Vincent Ducasse, Adeline Cadiergues, Thomas Lhuillery, Joséphine Peigné
- article
- Plant and Soil, 2023, pp.1-37. ⟨10.1007/s11104-023-06273-3⟩
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- titre
- Disturbance and resilience of aquatic plant communities in fish ponds after temporary dry periods
- auteur
- Adeline Fontanilles, Alexander Wezel, Soraya Rouifed, Mathieu Guérin, Marie Vanacker, Florent Arthaud, Joël Robin
- article
- Aquatic Ecology, 2023, ⟨10.1007/s10452-023-10032-y⟩
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- titre
- The amending potential of vermicompost, compost and digestate from urban biowaste: Evaluation using biochemical, Rock-Eval® thermal analyses and transmission electronic microscopy
- auteur
- Vincent Ducasse, Françoise Watteau, Isabelle Kowalewski, Herman Ravelojaona, Yvan Capowiez, Josephine Peigné
- article
- Bioresource Technology Reports, 2023, 22, pp.1-34. ⟨10.1016/j.biteb.2023.101405⟩
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- titre
- Relative effect of hydraulics, physico-chemistry and other biofilm algae on benthic cyanobacteria assemblages in a regulated river
- auteur
- Charlotte Robichon, Joël Robin, Sylvain Dolédec
- article
- Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 872, pp.162142. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162142⟩
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- titre
- The Digital Agricultural Knowledge and Information System (DAKIS): Employing digitalisation to encourage diversified and multifunctional agricultural systems
- auteur
- Ioanna Mouratiadou, Nahleen Lemke, Cheng Chen, Ariani Wartenberg, Ralf Bloch, Marco Donat, Thomas Gaiser, Deepak Hanike Basavegowda, Katharina Helming, Seyed Ali Hosseini Yekani, Marcos Krull, Kai Lingemann, Joseph Macpherson, Marvin Melzer, Claas Nendel, Annette Piorr, Mostafa Shaaban, Peter Zander, Cornelia Weltzien, Sonoko Dorothea Bellingrath-Kimura
- article
- Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, 2023, 16, pp.100274. ⟨10.1016/j.ese.2023.100274⟩
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- titre
- Understanding the future and evolution of agri-food systems: A combination of qualitative scenarios with agent-based modelling
- auteur
- Mostafa Shaaban, Ariane Voglhuber-Slavinsky, Ewa Dönitz, Joseph Macpherson, Carsten Paul, Ioanna Mouratiadou, Katharina Helming, Annette Piorr
- article
- Futures, 2023, 149, pp.103141. ⟨10.1016/j.futures.2023.103141⟩
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- titre
- Agroecology research in Europe funded by European and transnational programmes: current status and perspectives [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]
- auteur
- Ileana Iocola, Corrado Ciaccia, Luca Colombo, Baptiste Grard, Stefania Maurino, Alexander Wezel, Stefano Canali
- article
- Open Research Europe, 2023, 2 (139), pp.1-38. ⟨10.12688/openreseurope.15264.1⟩
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- titre
- Challenges and opportunities in the use of ponds and pondscapes as Nature-based Solutions
- auteur
- M. Cuenca-Cambronero, M. Blicharska, Jacques-Aristide Perrin, T. A. Davidson, B. Oertli, M. Lago, M. Beklioglu, M. Meerhoff, M. Arim, J. Teixeira, L. de Meester, J. Biggs, Joël Robin, B. Martin, H. M. Greaves, C. D. Sayer, P. Lemmens, D. Boix, T. Mehner, M. Bartrons, S. Brucet
- article
- Hydrobiologia, 2023, pp.1-15. ⟨10.1007/s10750-023-05149-y⟩
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- titre
- Development of agroecology in Austria and Germany [version 1; peer review: 2 approved]
- auteur
- Anna Brumer, Alexander Wezel, Jens Dauber, Tor Arvid Breland, Baptiste Grard
- article
- Open Research Europe, 2023, 3 (25), pp.1-20. ⟨10.12688/openreseurope.15431.1⟩
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- titre
- Food production and resource use of urban farms and gardens: a five-country study
- auteur
- Erica Dorr, Jason K Hawes, Benjamin Goldstein, Agnès Fargue-Lelièvre, Runrid Fox-Kämper, Kathrin Specht, Konstancja Fedeńczak, Silvio Caputo, Nevin Cohen, Lidia Poniży, Victoria Schoen, Tomasz Górecki, Joshua P Newell, Liliane Jean-Soro, Baptiste Grard
- article
- Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2023, 43, pp.18. ⟨10.1007/s13593-022-00859-4⟩
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- titre
- Learning about the growing habits and reproductive strategy of Thinopyrum intermedium through the establishment of its critical nitrogen dilution curve
- auteur
- Laura Fagnant, Olivier Duchene, Florian Celette, Christophe David, Jérôme Bindelle, Benjamin Dumont
- article
- Field Crops Research, 2023, 291, pp.108802. ⟨10.1016/j.fcr.2022.108802⟩
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- titre
- In‐field cover crop strips support carabid communities and shape the ecological trait repartition in maize fields
- auteur
- Coralie Triquet, Anthony Roume, Alexander Wezel, Vincent Tolon, Aurélie Ferrer
- article
- Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 2023, 25 (1), pp.152-163. ⟨10.1111/afe.12540⟩
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- titre
- Fostering the Implementation of Nature Conservation Measures in Agricultural Landscapes: The NatApp
- auteur
- Frauke Geppert, Sonoko Bellingrath-Kimura, Ioanna Mouratiadou
- article
- Sustainability, 2023, 15 (4), pp.3030. ⟨10.3390/su15043030⟩
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- titre
- Mountains and Food: Current Trends and Challenges in Europe’s Mountain Regions
- auteur
- Caroline Brand, Giacomo Pettenati
- article
- Revue de Géographie Alpine / Journal of Alpine Research, 2023, Numéro spécial "Montagne et Alimentation", 110 (2), pp.1-11. ⟨10.4000/rga.10762⟩
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- titre
- Agronomic assessment of two populations of intermediate wheatgrass—Kernza® ( Thinopyrum intermedium ) in temperate South America
- auteur
- Andres Locatelli, Lucia Gutierrez, Olivier Duchene, Pablo R. Speranza, Valentin D. Picasso Risso
- article
- Grassland Research, 2023, pp.1-17. ⟨10.1002/glr2.12032⟩
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- titre
- Mapping the development of agroecology in Europe
- auteur
- Alexander Wezel, Baptiste Grard, Vasileios Gkisakis
- article
- Isara, France; Agroecology Europe, Belgium. 2023, ⟨10.5281/zenodo.7774412⟩
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Journal articles
- titre
- Exploring Sustainability Implications of Transitions to Agroecology: a Transdisciplinary Perspective
- auteur
- Gerald Schwarz, Francesco Vanni, David Miller, Janne Helin, Jaroslav Pražan, Fabrizio Albanito, Mihaela Fratila, Francesco Galioto, Oriana Gava, Katherine Irvine, Jan Landert, Alba Linares Quero, Andreas Mayer, Daniel Monteleone, Adrian Muller, Elin Röös, Alexandra Smyrniotopoulou, Audrey Vincent, George Vlahos, Andis Zīlāns
- article
- EuroChoices, 2022, 21 (3), pp.37-47. ⟨10.1111/1746-692X.12377⟩
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- titre
- Creating Conditions for Harnessing the Potential of Transitions to Agroecology in Europe and Requirements for Policy
- auteur
- David Miller, Sophie Legras, Andrew Barnes, Mara Cazacu, Oriana Gava, Janne Helin, Katherine Irvine, Jochen Kantelhardt, Jan Landert, Laure Latruffe, Andreas Mayer, Andreas Niedermayr, Andrea Povellato, Lena Schaller, Gerald Schwarz, Pete Smith, Francesco Vanni, Lionel Védrine, Davide Viaggi, Audrey Vincent, George Vlahos
- article
- EuroChoices, 2022, 21 (3), pp.72-79. ⟨10.1111/1746-692X.12374⟩
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- titre
- Gardens in Rural Areas of Mid-Mountain in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region: Revealing a Relationship to Food in Recomposition
- auteur
- Noé Guiraud, Claire Delfosse, Perrine Vandenbroucke, Philomène Viricel, Laura Munar
- article
- Revue de Géographie Alpine / Journal of Alpine Research, 2022, 110 (2), ⟨10.4000/rga.10824⟩
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- titre
- How to create intermediated local food system partnerships? Collective performance, collective negotiation, and collective learning
- auteur
- Ronan Le Velly, Mathieu Désolé, Carole Chazoule
- article
- The Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 2022, 12 (1), pp.35-46. ⟨10.5304/jafscd.2022.121.013⟩
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- titre
- Vermicomposting of municipal solid waste as a possible lever for the development of sustainable agriculture. A review
- auteur
- Vincent Ducasse, Yvan Capowiez, Josephine Peigné
- article
- Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2022, 42 (5), pp.1-40. ⟨10.1007/s13593-022-00819-y⟩
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- titre
- Editorial: crop diversification, a key pillar for the agroecological transition
- auteur
- Lionel Alletto, Florian Celette, Dora Drexler, Daniel Plaza-Bonilla, Moritz Reckling
- article
- Frontiers in Agronomy, 2022, 4, ⟨10.3389/fagro.2022.950822⟩
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- titre
- Future agricultural systems and the role of digitalization for achieving sustainability goals. A review
- auteur
- Joseph Macpherson, Ariane Voglhuber-Slavinsky, Mathias Olbrisch, Philipp Schöbel, Ewa Dönitz, Ioanna Mouratiadou, Katharina Helming
- article
- Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2022, 42, pp.70. ⟨10.1007/s13593-022-00792-6⟩
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- titre
- Intercropping with service crops provides multiple services in temperate arable systems: a review
- auteur
- Antoine Gardarin, Florian Celette, Christophe Naudin, Guillaume Piva, Muriel Valantin-Morison, Sylvain Vrignon-Brenas, Valentin Verret, Safia Mediene
- article
- Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2022, 42 (3), pp.39. ⟨10.1007/s13593-022-00771-x⟩
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- titre
- Can Mixed Intercropping Protect Cereals from Aphid-Borne Viruses? An Experimental Approach
- auteur
- Sarah Grauby, Aurélie Ferrer, Vincent Tolon, Anthony Roume, Alexander Wezel, Emmanuel Jacquot
- article
- Insects, 2022, 13 (6), pp.521. ⟨10.3390/insects13060521⟩
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- titre
- Pesticide contamination of fish ponds in relation to crop area in a mixed farmland-pond landscape (Dombes area, France)
- auteur
- Benoit Sarrazin, Alexander Wezel, Mathieu Guerin, Joël Robin
- article
- Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022, ⟨10.1007/s11356-022-20492-8⟩
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- titre
- Undestroyed winter cover crop strip in maize fields supports ground-dwelling arthropods and predation
- auteur
- Coralie Triquet, Anthony Roume, Vincent Tolon, Alexander Wezel, Aurélie Ferrer
- article
- Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2022, 326, pp.107783. ⟨10.1016/j.agee.2021.107783⟩
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- titre
- PSDR4 SYAM - A la recherche des Systèmes alimentaires du milieu
- auteur
- Carole Chazoule, Ronan Le Velly, Mathieu Désolé, Stéphane Fournier, L. Joyet, Françoise Molegnana, J.L. Paris, Laurent Trognon
- article
- Innovations Agronomiques, 2022, 86, pp.391-404. ⟨10.17180/ciag-2022-vol86-art32⟩
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- titre
- Definition of a model-based engineering framework for the design, organization, and management of local agri-food systems
- auteur
- Jean-Luc Paris, Carole Chazoule, Mathieu Désolé, Nicolas Brulard, Stéphane Fournier, Laurent Trognon, Olivier Devise
- article
- Open Journal of Business and Management, 2022, 10 (02), pp.914-941. ⟨10.4236/ojbm.2022.102050⟩
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- titre
- Reduced tillage in organic farming affects soil organic carbon stocks in temperate Europe
- auteur
- M. Krauss, M. Wiesmeier, A. Don, F. Cuperus, A. Gattinger, S. Gruber, W.K. Haagsma, Josephine Peigné, M. Chiodelli Palazzoli, F. Schulz, M.G.A. van der Heijden, Laura Vincent-Caboud, R.A. Wittwer, S. Zikeli, M. Steffens
- article
- Soil and Tillage Research, 2022, 216, pp.105262. ⟨10.1016/j.still.2021.105262⟩
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- titre
- A modelling chain combining soft and hard models to assess a bundle of ecosystem services provided by a diversity of cereal-legume intercrops
- auteur
- Clémentine Meunier, Lionel Alletto, Laurent Bedoussac, Jacques-Eric Bergez, Pierre Casadebaig, Julie Constantin, Noémie Gaudio, Rémi Mahmoud, Jean-Noël Aubertot, Florian Celette, Maé Guinet, Marie-Hélène Jeuffroy, Marie-Hélène Robin, Safia Médiène, Laurence Fontaine, Bernard Nicolardot, Elise Pelzer, Véronique Souchère, Anne-Sophie Voisin, Blandine Rosiès, Marion Casagrande, Guillaume Martin
- article
- European Journal of Agronomy, 2022, 132, pp.126412. ⟨10.1016/j.eja.2021.126412⟩
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Journal articles
- titre
- Definition of a model-based engineering framework for the design and management of local agri-food systems
- auteur
- Jean-Luc Paris, Carole Chazoule, Mathieu Désolé, Nicolas Brulard, Stéphane Fournier, Laurent Trognon, Olivier Devise
- article
- Génie industriel et productique, 2021, 4 (1), ⟨10.21494/ISTE.OP.2021.0750⟩
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- titre
- Linking changes in the soil microbial community to C and N dynamics during crop residue decomposition
- auteur
- Cyrine Rezgui, Isabelle Trinsoutrot-Gattin, Marie Benoit, Karine Laval, Wassila Riah-Anglet
- article
- Journal of Integrative Agriculture , 2021, 20 (11), pp.3039 - 3059. ⟨10.1016/s2095-3119(20)63567-5⟩
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- titre
- Reconquérir la qualité de l’eau potable par le développement de l’agriculture biologique et de systèmes alimentaires dédiés
- auteur
- Audrey Vincent, Philippe Fleury
- article
- EchoGéo, 2021, 57, ⟨10.4000/echogeo.22457⟩
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- titre
- Water quality issues and agriculture: An international review of innovative policy schemes
- auteur
- Alice Berthet, Audrey Vincent, Philippe Fleury
- article
- Land Use Policy, 2021, 109, pp.105654. ⟨10.1016/j.landusepol.2021.105654⟩
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- titre
- Quantifying sustainable intensification of agriculture: The contribution of metrics and modelling
- auteur
- Ioanna Mouratiadou, Catharina Latka, Floor van der Hilst, Christoph Müller, Regine Berges, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Frank Ewert, Babacar Faye, Thomas Heckelei, Munir Hoffmann, Heikki Lehtonen, Ignacio Jesus Lorite, Claas Nendel, Taru Palosuo, Alfredo Rodríguez, Reimund Paul Rötter, Margarita Ruiz-Ramos, Tommaso Stella, Heidi Webber, Birka Wicke
- article
- Ecological Indicators, 2021, 129, pp.107870. ⟨10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.107870⟩
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- titre
- Food Sovereignty and Rights-Based Approaches Strengthen Food Security and Nutrition Across the Globe: A Systematic Review
- auteur
- Devon Sampson, Marcela Cely-Santos, Barbara Gemmill-Herren, Nicholas Babin, Annelie Bernhart, Rachel Bezner Kerr, Jennifer Blesh, Evan Bowness, Mackenzie Feldman, André Luis Gonçalves, Dana James, Tanya Kerssen, Susanna Klassen, Alexander Wezel, Hannah Wittman
- article
- Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 2021, 5, pp.686492. ⟨10.3389/fsufs.2021.686492⟩
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- titre
- Soil and Pest Management in French Polynesian Farming Systems and Drivers and Barriers for Implementation of Practices Based on Agroecological Principles
- auteur
- Mélanie Surchat, Alexander Wezel, Vincent Tolon, Tor Arvid Breland, Philippe Couraud, Jean-François Vian
- article
- Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 2021, 5, pp.708647. ⟨10.3389/fsufs.2021.708647⟩
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- titre
- Multi‐scale mosaics in top‐down pest control by ants from natural coffee forests to plantations
- auteur
- Moritz Stüber, Ayco J M Tack, Beyene Zewdie, Esayas Mendesil, Tamiru Shimales, Biruk Ayalew, Sileshi Nemomissa, Jörgen Sjögren, Eero Vesterinen, Alexander Wezel, Kristoffer Hylander
- article
- Ecology, 2021, 102 (7), pp.e03376. ⟨10.1002/ecy.3376⟩
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- titre
- Multiple stressors shape invertebrate assemblages and reduce their trophic niche: A case study in a regulated stream
- auteur
- Sylvain Dolédec, Laurent Simon, Jérémie Blemus, Amandine Rigal, Joël Robin, Florian Mermillod-Blondin
- article
- Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 773, pp.145061. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.145061⟩
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- titre
- Good Pastures, Good Meadows: Mountain Farmers’ Assessment, Perceptions on Ecosystem Services, and Proposals for Biodiversity Management
- auteur
- Alexander Wezel, Sibylle Stöckli, Erich Tasser, Heike Nitsch, Audrey Vincent
- article
- Sustainability, 2021, 13 (10), pp.5609. ⟨10.3390/su13105609⟩
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- titre
- Spatial and temporal diversity of service plant management strategies across vineyards in the south of France. Analysis through the Coverage Index
- auteur
- Hugo Fernandez Mena, Hélène Frey, Florian Celette, Léo Garcia, Karim Barkaoui, Laure Hossard, Audrey Naulleau, Raphaël Métral, Christian Gary, Aurélie Metay
- article
- European Journal of Agronomy, 2021, 123, pp.126191. ⟨10.1016/j.eja.2020.126191⟩
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- titre
- Process-based analysis of Thinopyrum intermedium phenological development highlights the importance of dual induction for reproductive growth and agronomic performance
- auteur
- Olivier Duchene, Benjamin Dumont, Douglas J Cattani, Laura Fagnant, Brandon Schlautman, Lee R Dehaan, Spencer Barriball, Jacob M Jungers, Valentin D Picasso, Christophe David, Florian Celette
- article
- Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2021, 301-302, pp.108341. ⟨10.1016/j.agrformet.2021.108341⟩
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Journal articles
- titre
- Controversial topics in agroecology: A European perspective
- auteur
- Paola Migliorini, Paolo Bàrberi, Stéphane Bellon, Tommaso Gaifami, Vassilis Gkisakis, Alain Peeters, Alexander Wezel
- article
- INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES , 2020, 47 (3), pp.159-173. ⟨10.7764/ijanr.v47i3.2265⟩
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